
By |2022-04-19T04:42:06+00:00April 19th, 2022|Kids, Random|

I’ll have a write-up of my wonderful CrockerCon experiences soon; in the meantime, here’s a drawing by my daughter that really moved me with thoughts of Easter, spring, and rebirth.


By |2022-04-13T02:34:35+00:00April 13th, 2022|Mixed Media|

“Akathisia.” Ballpoint pen on notebook paper, 7.25” x 9.5”. You can see (and purchase!) more original art like this at #CrockerCon Thursday, April 14th starting at 6pm. You have to register in advance, so click [...]


By |2021-06-03T03:11:18+00:00June 3rd, 2021|Mixed Media|

“Fe26.” Ballpoint pen on paper, 8.5x11”. I drew this probably over five years ago but never posted it because I thought the electronic version was hard to look at, too much contrast between the scribbly [...]

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