Come see me IRL.
They’re Here and There
Click to enlarge The Crocker’s Office Holiday Party Art Mix was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who stopped by my table to buy something or say hello; thanks also to the [...]
Come see me IRL.
Click to enlarge The Crocker’s Office Holiday Party Art Mix was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who stopped by my table to buy something or say hello; thanks also to the [...]
Click to enlarge Last reminder (until tomorrow!) that tomorrow I’ll be at the Crocker Art Museum from 6-9 for their Office Holiday Party Art Mix! To help you heave a ho-ho-ho, here’s another [...]
Click to enlarge Don’t forget that I’ll be at the Crocker Art Museum this Thursday from 6-9 for their Office Holiday Party Art Mix! To further flog the festivities, here’s one of the original [...]
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. I’m thrilled to announce that I designed the poster for this month’s ArtMix event at the Crocker Art Museum: Office Holiday Party! I’ll be there [...]
Click image to enlarge. I’ve been remiss in posting about CrockerCon 2024 but, as always, it was a blast! I was lucky to get a booth right up front next to CrockerTron poster [...]
I’m in the Crocker Art [what] I’m at the ComicCon [what] I’m in the combination Crocker Art and ComicCon.
Click image to enlarge. CrockerCon is TOMORROW! Surely this is the Christmas Eve of birthday-cake wishes kissed by a rose on the grey! Buy your tickets in advance so you have no issues [...]
CrockerCon is this week! OMG! OMG! OMG! Remember to buy your tickets in advance so you can be there Thursday, September 12th at 6pm! Besides all the talent in attendance, there will also be talent [...]
Click image to enlarge. CrockerCon is next week! Thursday, September 12th at 6pm; tickets now available at the Crocker website. And don’t forget about the amazing guest list, which keeps growing: Darick Robertson, [...]
Click image to enlarge. CrockerCon is less than a month away! Don’t miss out on Sacramento’s funnest comics and pop culture event, featuring Darick Robertson, Keith Knight, Darrin Bell, Justin Greenwood, and all [...]