Group photo from “Evolving Visions,” an art show at The Gallery by We Are Sacramento.

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With the start of school, the week got away from me and I didn’t have a chance until today to write about what a great time I had at the Evolving Visions show! Thank you so much to Mari Padilla, Mario Lopez, Kayla Chew and everyone else at The Gallery by We Are Sacramento for putting it on and asking me to be a part of it; I was proud to be included with such an amazing group! Thanks also to everyone who came out and especially those who bought a print; I really appreciate it!

The show was also fun for giving me a chance to catch up with old friends, make new connections, and realize what a small world Sacramento can be. Turns out Ruben Reveles and I grew up down the street from each other, and Shani Zuberi is the former student of one of my current colleagues. Sacramento, Sacramento where you at.