Third flier for the art show “Evolving Visions” at The Gallery by We Are Sacramento, August 2024. Text on the flier reads, “The Gallery by We Are Sacramento; Evolving Visions; Featured Artist; Jesse Baggs,” and then next to an Instagram icon, the text, “@HardPressedJess”. In the upper-right hand corner of the flier is a photo of the artist Jesse Baggs.

Click image to enlarge.

Hope you’re not sick of hearing about my group show Evolving Visions at The Gallery by We Are Sacramento because I’m back to remind you that it’s now only four days away! On Saturday, August 10th, take a trip to 1019 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento, 95815 to experience amazing art by myself, Kayla Chew, Shani Zuberi, Richard Jacobo, Tiranjini Pillai, Ruben Reveles, Erik Suzuki, Sameer Nagra, and Aaron Winters! I’ll have eight big canvas prints on display; see you there!