Free Comic Book Day 2018 at the Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Sacramento Public Library was a great success, thanks as always to lively librarian Cathy Jackson and her amazing crew of fellow book slingers and teen volunteers (special thanks to my assistant for the day, Elle). Below are a selection of the 10-minute caricatures I drew, plus a photo of Cathy and me. Thanks to everyone who came out!

Jesse Baggs caricature of "B"Jesse Baggs caricature of "J"Jesse Baggs caricature of "C1"Jesse Baggs caricature of "A"Jesse Baggs caricature of "N"Jesse Baggs caricature of "G"Jesse Baggs caricature of "L"Jesse Baggs caricature of "C2"Jesse Baggs caricature of "P"Jesse Baggs caricature of “Z”Jesse Baggs caricature of "K"Jesse Baggs and Cathy Jackson