Marry Me

By |2021-05-26T03:53:51+00:00May 26th, 2021|Uncategorized|

It was my pleasure to design and illustrate this one-off beer label for Marci P, AKA Hollywood, which she used to propose to her girlfriend. You may remember Marci as the namesake for Tilted Mash’s [...]


By |2021-04-23T01:07:13+00:00April 23rd, 2021|Caricatures, Comics, Illustration|

I’ll probably post this again sometime soon with the ink and pencil versions, but here’s the second of two superhero caricatures I made for a friend (click here for the first).


By |2021-04-21T02:54:00+00:00April 21st, 2021|Caricatures, Comics, Illustration|

I drew a friend’s two kids as superheroes fighting for social justice. She’s not ready to show them the finished products yet, but the drawings are burning a hole in my art pocket, so to [...]


By |2021-01-13T03:02:30+00:00January 13th, 2021|Sketches|

Sketchbook drawing of Josh Hawley, seen here pontificating about how many traitors can dance on a pinhead. Photo credits unknown.

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