Didn’t have a chance to post anything this week, but I had a lot of fun at Meristem’s Winter Faire last weekend. Unbeknownst to me, one of my former students is now a Meristem client; it was great to see him there, all grown up and continuing to grow.

I neglected to take photos of my completed caricatures this time, but below you’ll see my new caricature flyer and a practice caricature. A kid and a Meristem client also made some drawings they left with me, which I’ve included as well. Looking forward to the Meristem Spring Faire!

“Caricatures While You Wait” by Jesse Baggs.


“Rams” by Jesse Baggs.

“Cat 1” by L.

“Cat 2” by L.

“On Dollar Bill” by W.

“Finding Out” by L.

“MerChris” by L.

“Pizza” by L.

“Water Type Pokemon” by W.